Five Things - Lockdown Week 7

Happy Sunday... well actually Monday by the time this post has been published! Last week has definitely felt harder, we are missing our friends and family and I know you must be too. 

I had to dig deep to find my five things this time, and at the end I realised the simplest things were those I was hanging onto this week.

How are you feeling? 

Here are five things I have enjoyed this week: 

1.The sunshine-filled days. I know that's predictable, however it makes a huge difference to my mood (and most of the UK population!) Let's get the vitamin D flowing - we need it!

 2. Bank Holiday Friday! Three days without home schooling! Need I say more... we made the most of the days off by enjoying dog walks in the sun, watching family movies and drinking iced coffee (that's just me!)

 3. Cookies, especially those freshly-baked, warm-from-the-oven, gooey and soft chocolate cookies. If it wasn't for some daily exercise I'd probably get out of quarantine rolling through the door. This recipe is worth a try, but for a quick cookie-fix most supermarkets also sell ready-to-bake cookie dough and as long as you don't overtake it they can be just as soft.

 4. I have recently watched a webinar on essential oils and also one on improving sleep quality (both for members-only on Southwood Social Hub) and that has inspired me to improve the quality of my sleep, especially as there is close to zero me-time at the moment and I am working all the late hours I can. There is a quick guide and video on which foods can improve sleep quality here, but there is so much to it, it's impossible to share in a few lines. Worth a look!

 5. I wonder how much lockdown will impact children who have been taken out of their routines so harshly. Whilst it's impossible to keep the same rhythm of school work as they had previously, I am trying to make sure they stay in touch with their friends as much as possible. We have had a few calls this week, and hoping we can continue until they return to whatever the new normal will look like.

Well that was week 7, after a bit of uncertainty about what is going to happen next, I am now embracing the next step, mindful that I will do what feels right and comfortable for me and my family. 

Week 8 here we come - have a good one! 

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